Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Menstrual pain and Chinese herbs treatment

Menstrual pain and Chinese herbs treatment

Are you curled up in bed for a day or more each month with one thought:  "What am I going to do about these period cramps?"  You are not alone, as 50% of menstruating women have the same experience month after month.   But why suffer when you could be living pain free?

Benefit of Chinese herbs
Chinese herbal medicine, on the other hand, has been used for centuries with well-documented results.  Do you know Chinese herbal medicine for primary dysmenorrhea roughly doubled pain relief and improvement in overall symptoms compared with conventional Western pharmaceuticals?

Healthy body and menstruation 
Menstruation should be painless and accompanied by minimal pre and postmenstrual signs and symptoms. We know the menstruate should be of sufficient volume, a rich, fresh color, and free from clots. If there is free flow, there is no pain: if there is pain, there is no free flow. In Chinese medicine , the uterus and the liver are closely related. The liver maintains patency or free flow of the qi or vital energy of the body. The liver, spleen and kidney channels run through the pelvis and all can effect menstruation . If any of these channels is blocked, congested or deficient, this will usually manifest in women as some sort of menstrual problem.

Why choose natural Chinese herbal medicine? 
Chinese medicine 's main therapy is herbal medicine. Herbs are an excellent menstruation natural remedy . Over 5,000 medicinal substances are taken from plants, minerals and animal by-products. The ingredients are combined into formulas comprised of from eight to fifteen ingredients where they work synergistically. The most common way of ingestion the herbs is through a tea. However, pills, powders, liquid and dried extracts and syrups are also used. Herbs are free from side effects. Chinese doctors are constantly updating and modifying their patient's treatment in order to optimize results. Women with menstruation issue generally require three to six months of intensive Chinese herbal therapy to achieve substantial amelioration in their condition. When compared with the cost of most Western drugs and medical procedures, the net cost of Chinese medicine is relatively cheap.

How about Acupuncture treatment for women’s health?
Acupuncture effectively treats endometriosis . The body comprises points located on pathways at which the energy traveling through them can be manipulated and therapeutically adjusted. Patients may experience the slightest pinch upon insertion and then any of several sensations as the needle touches the point that is below the skin. These sensations can include tingling, heat, distention, heaviness, soreness, or an electrical, nervy feeling. Typically patients will relax deeply and may even fall asleep.

The combination of Chinese herbs and Acupuncture 
Acupuncture and herbal medicine treat effectively: painful menstruation , menstruation which is too little or too large in volume, menstruation which is either too early, too late, or which occurs at no fixed schedule, amenorrhea, PMS, lower abdominal pain, any endometriosis symptom and infertility.

What we can do for you
In Ho Modesty Consultancy, Dr. Alexander Ho  help you to manage women’s issues, such as :
-- Painful menstruation
-- Menstruation which is too little or too large in volume
-- Menstruation which is either too early or too late
-- Irregular menstruation which occurs at no fixed schedule
-- Amenorrhea
-- Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
-- Menopause symptoms
-- Lower abdominal pain
-- Endometriosis symptom
-- Fibroid tumors
-- Infertility
Most menstrual or infertility problems can be treated by Chinese medicine within three to six months. However, the duration of therapy depends to some extent on the length of time the disease process has been in motion. Patients should not expect it to be solved in just less than a week.

Chinese Medicine physician Alexander Ho, founder of Ho Modesty Consultancy from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia can be reached by calling 012-4883814 for appointment booking only. For overseas patients, please E-mail “ tcm.modesty@gmail.com” for More Information on ordering herbal supplement. 

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