Sunday, November 17, 2019


若单纯认为服用人工荷尔蒙药物来摆平 荷尔蒙不平衡及黑斑问题,就简单多了?其实,因长期服用,就算终止服药后,大多数的斑点会变得更顽固,不会消失。 最典型的例子就是避孕药的副作用。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
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#黄褐斑 #雀斑 #中医 #中药 #月经 #荷尔蒙

What you should know about hormones imbalance and dark spots ?

Most women face dark spot problems and complain that they have tried so many skin care products but still can’t get rid of the dark spots.  They find that cosmetics make-up is the best solution to cover up the dark spot.

The main reason causing the formation of dark spot pigmentation is due to the hormones imbalance. The pituitary gland, thyroid gland, pararenal cortex and ovary will result in frequent production of melanin in the body, forming dark spots.

Women that have ovarian dysfunction problem will have irregular periods. Their skin prone to have dark spots.Symptoms like dizziness, headache, irritability, anxiety and irritability, anger, depression, melancholy or depress cause by ovarian dysfunction.Over the time, it is inevitable that the irregular menstrual cycle, impeded menstrual flow, menstrual blood clots, menstrual pain, and even amenorrhea may occur.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherb #Melasma #Freckle #Darkspot #hormone #period 


有很多患有严重黑斑的女性对我说, 用了那么多护肤品都没有办法祛除斑点, 就干脆什么都不做,用化妆品遮盖,这样反倒省心,省事了。

我说事情要是真这么简单就好了, 形成黄褐斑、雀斑其中一个重要原因是荷尔蒙失调。从脑下垂体 、甲状腺、副肾皮质 、卵巢等深受影响, 导致体内经常出现制造黑色素的指令,形成黑斑。

那么,为何月经周期不稳定的人容易产生黑斑?这是因为卵巢机能失调。刚开始,容易出现头晕、头痛 、烦躁不安 、容易发怒  、情绪抑郁等问题。 日子久了,无可避免的是月经前后错乱、经行不畅 、经血块多、 痛经、甚至闭经的发生。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#黄褐斑 #雀斑 #中医 #中药 #月经 #荷尔蒙

Hormone drugs are helper to manage your menstrual cycle?  

Will it be much easier by taking hormone drugs to balance hormone and solve dark spots? In fact, long-term using hormone drugs will make the spot become more stubborn and will not disappear.  The most classic example is the side effects of birth control pills.

As precaution, every women since young stage should always keep close monitoring their menstruation stages. A normal period should not to be happen too early or delayed in the menstrual cycle .The menstrual blood should be smooth, without abdominal pain, and the blood volume should be moderate, do not have blood clots.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherb #Melasma #Freckle #Darkspot #hormone #period 

Tuesday, October 15, 2019



这是一瓶拥有洁净、祛斑、美白、抗痘及修复疤痕的泡沫洗脸液。 适合各种肤质,也适合发育期间的少女少男,“绿意沬”有助于减少青春痘爆发, 同时避免留下痘疤等色素沉淀。

市场上有各种各样的洗脸产品,玲琅满目、 推陈出新、 无从选择。 从中医皮肤科的研究发现, 使用对皮肤温和的纯天然植物精华,不但可以预防黑斑,而且还能调理过敏皮肤,排出化妆品毒素。由于“绿意沬”不含去角质、腐蚀性的成份, 它对皮肤温和,在清洁过程中,不干预皮肤新陈代谢 ,才能促进皮肤再生的能力。

“绿意沬”特征 :
1. 成份天然,含薏米、绿豆等天然美白的中药萃取物,不含化学及石油添加剂。

2. 谦和堂参考清朝宫廷文献设计配方,再采用日本传统工艺制造,特别加强皮肤排毒的概念, 在不伤皮肤的状态下, 把经皮毒素洗出来。

3. 越洗越漂亮,肤色逐渐变得很均匀,改善过敏、干燥、发痒问题。皮肤干净,细胞健康,油粒、暗疮、黑斑将会逐渐消失!

4. 使用深山泉水和纯净地下水加入大麦、小麦、黑麦、马铃薯、玉米和五谷酿造成“复合Pitera”,洗脸后不抽干皮肤天然保湿因子,洗后不会紧绷。


我们不随波逐流研发产品, 只希望产品能成为经典,让中药护肤成为一种生活美学。 我们坚信,美丽不在于使用多少的护肤品、多昂贵的护肤品, 而是真正了解自己, 使用的越少、越天然,才能尽显一个女人的气质与美。

本产品需要预订购先,才调配制造。 可以透过快邮寄给全马各地或新加坡顾客。 也欢迎 为各种皮肤疾病烦恼的朋友们联络我们, 我们可以为大家客制订做各种中药护肤品。

# 中医 #中药 #洗脸水 #雀斑 #黄褐斑 #青春痘 #暗疮 #黑斑 #去斑 #祛斑 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Monday, October 14, 2019

中风的可怕与针灸的烦恼 - 第一集


我是一位马来西亚的中医师, 在过去10年的行医生涯中看过太多中风病人 的问题以及针灸师的难处。 所以特别录制这所以特别录制这几级的中风专题和大家聊一聊一些有关中风的小故事。

1. 针灸师上门治疗中风的难处。
2. 中风与压力的来源。
3. 中风引爆婆媳关系冲突。
4. 针多久才好?
5. 石油工程师中风后变透明人?
6. 中风后,看清人情冷暖。
7. 友族同胞的家庭观。
8. 中风后,才听到真心话?
9. 当照顾变成一种负担 ... ... 
10. 针灸师也需要心理治疗。
11. 中风人群的快速痊愈的策略。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :  

#中医 #针灸 #中药 #中风 #半身不逐 #瘫痪

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Chapter 4 - Face massage Bo Jin tutorial for eye area with dark spots and brown patches

This face massage will helps those who suffer from Melasma, Freckles and Chloasma. It is simple skin pigmentation massage treatment at home.

The Bo Jin face massage can be performed based on the facial reflexology area, from warming up and stimulating the acupoints, until dredging the channels and collaterals, break down the consistency of sand, small lumps and knots through improve blood circulation, activate 5 senses, moisturizing the skin and so on.

Some people may worry that the facial Gua Sha treatment  (also known as Bo Jin ) will make the skin swollen, make the skin becomes thicker and develop wrinkles. On the contrary, it can consider as a series of movements for face, that can improve the blood circulation and sculpt your face; it can also normalize the circulation of blood for reduce muscles soreness.

In the third chapter, we introduce the eye's Bo Jin massage method for treating dark spots around the eyes. Because there are various acupoints around the eyes which linked to our inner organs, it has high possibility to have Qi (energy) and blood stasis if we don't massage our eyes regularly. The formation of knots (Skin tissue develop hidden deposits) is the reason of blur vision, dark spots and wrinkles.

In terms of tools, it is best to use natural materials with high energy, such as: buffalo horn, biochemical pottery, wood fossil, agate and pure jade. Avoid using massage tools that made of resin or plastic. These tools do not have energy to recharge our body, they may release unnecessary chemical toxins to our skin.

For massage agent, it is highly recommended to use our Repair Balm (A deep nourishing balm with Melanin stopping herbs for the treatment of pigmented skin), if you don't have it, you can create a simple face massage oil by blending carrier oil with few drops of aroma essential oil.

For more info about Repair Balm, please visit our online store at :

#Skinpigmentation #Melasma #Freckles #Chloasma #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Facemassage #Bojin #Guasha

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

第4集 : 拨筋美容按摩


第4集,我们为眼睛周围有斑点的朋友们介绍眼睛拨筋法。因为眼睛周围有各脏腑经穴分布,大多数人眼周穴点与筋膜容易气血瘀阻、产生筋结而不自知,日子久了就会视力模糊、长黑斑及皱纹。在工具方面,最好使用有能量的天然材质,比方说:纯手工水牛角、生化陶、木化石、玛瑙和纯玉制品。 避免使用树脂或塑料制成的按摩棒, 这些东西不仅没有能量, 还有可能让皮肤吸收不必要的化学毒素。

按摩霜方面, 建议使用本堂玉容膏 (Repair Balm) , 或者使用基础油加上适合肤质的纯精油来进行脸部拨筋。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.Google map : number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#中医 #中药 #祛斑 #中医美容 #去斑 #脸部按摩 #拨筋

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

田力培元喷剂 Strength Herbal Spray for Men

成份 : 人参、肉苁蓉、淫羊藿、蛇床子。
功效 : 补肾壮阳、促进勃起、增加精液、固精止遗、杀菌止痒。
使用方法 : 每天两次,喷于龟头和阴茎。
建议 : 持续使用30天,年长或体虚者则需要稍微长一点的时间得到更好的效果。
禁忌 : 不能用于皮肤敏感处。

100% Chinese Herbal spray can become a very effective external use product to help men at any ages to maintain hardness, improve blood flow, increase size and improve erection.
Ingredients : Cistanche, Epimedium, Cnidium.
Direction : Spray to the head & shaft of penis, 2 times/day.
Caution: Do not apply to allergic skin /open wound.
For more info, please contact us for your made to order herbal man health products.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814

E-mail :

#Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #erectiledysfunction #penisenlargement #prematureejaculation #ED #PE

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Why your face wash ruin your skin pigmentation treatment

The important of choosing a face wash 
To have great skin, face wash becomes the most important thing in your skin care routine. Excessive cleaning often cause dryness; if a face cleanser too mild, it will cause sebum accumulation, which may lead to Malassezia infection, skin allergies or Seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Almost all face wash products in the market contain Surfactant, this is the ingredients that will damage our skin's protection shield, which cause redness, Inflammation of pores and moist loss. Once the skin metabolism gradually deteriorates, the growth of dark spots, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, dullness and lost of elasticity will take place.

Healthy skin's PH levelHealthy skin should be at weak acidity PH level (4.5 to 6). The reason why our skin can naturally maintain weak acidity is mainly because of the balance of symbiotic bacteria, that mean good and bad bacteria live in harmony on the surface of our skin.The weak acidic state helps to keep our skin away from the attack of mold, virus and yeast.

Unfortunately, with the modern technologies, face wash products in the market make our skin unhealthy. Not only synthetic surfactant dissolve the inter-cellular substance on our skin, most face wash products use chemical exfoliation ingredients which will over remove oldest dead skin cells on the skin's outermost surface, this will instantly damage the protection shield of our skin, kill symbiotic bacteria, allow strong toxins easily invade in the inner layer of the skin, penetrate to human cells.

2 types of face wash in market
Washing products can be divided into two types : synthetic detergents and soap that have been available since ancient times. Generally, facial cleansers and kitchen cleaners and detergent on the market are synthetic cleansers. Synthetic cleaners are not present in nature because they are chemically created from the lab. Pure soap that created from plant based oil such as olive oil, coconut oil and palm oil with added Sodium Hydroxide to produce natural inter-facial activity. When compare to synthetic surfactant, pure soap is not easy to remain, easily decomposed, and has low toxicity.

Skin types and the PH level in face wash productsAlthough our skin’s natural pH 4.5-6 (weak acidic), the aging process make the acidity of the skin decreases, making it more difficult to resist bacterial growth and infection. Therefore, it is important to protect the pH of the skin. When choosing a facial cleanser,  you should match the pH of your skin in order to balance the PH level of skin. For example, oily skin usually more acidity, a slightly neutral facial cleanser around pH 7-8 will be able to control oil and keep the pores clean. For normal and dry skin, which is alkaline, the suggestion is to use a weak acidic facial cleanser, which is close to the normal skin's pH, the idea is to gently cleanse the skin without damage the original resistance of the skin.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Facewash #cleanser #PH #Melasma #Freckles

Thursday, July 4, 2019

[Homodesty Osteopathy & Pain management] July 2019

On 27-28 July 2019, TCM Dr. Max Soo will visit Kota Kinabalu, Sabah again. He is a very skillful in osteopathy treatment for eliminate long-term bones, joints, spine strain, numbness and chronic pain that couldn't solve by normal doctor in hospital.

If you :

1. worry about your children learning progress during their puberty, poor posture issues such as backbone and pelvic obliquity, uneven shoulder, abnormal gait.

2. concern about elderly's weak knees and back pain problems that might stop them to travel comfortably.

3. having adnormal joints pain that do not allow you to stand or sit longer time.

4. have seen many doctors, but still can not manage the pain. 

5. do not accept the explanation by doctor or therapist that your pain is normal, you just need  to live with it for the rest of your life. 

6. are interested to find out more about your coordination of  bones and muscles. 

Please serve an appointment as soon as possible. We have limited seats available. 

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Osteopathy #Orthopedics #Traumatology #Neck #Shoulder #Back #Knee #Pain 

[谦和堂活动 - 整骨与疼痛管理] July 19

这个7月(27~28/7),吉隆坡苏逸幸 中医师,将再次莅临【谦和堂】为所有严重被疼痛折磨的沙巴病患服务。


1. 担心小孩在发育期,脊柱、骨盆歪斜、高低肩、步态异常等,影响学习。
2. 老人长期腰腿疼痛,无法轻松出国旅行。
3. 年纪轻轻就全身骨关节酸痛、不能站、走久。
4. 看过很多医生,却无法治愈常年的筋骨疼痛。
5. 医生或治疗师判定你的痹痛是很正常,认为每个人左右两侧肌肉用力不平衡也是正常的,但是你却不能接受这种看法。
6. 很想了解自己的骨骼及肌肉各方面的协调性, 怕老了出现一大堆问题。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Monday, June 24, 2019

Those stories about CVA / Brain stroke - Part1

Stroke is a very difficult to cure disease that afflicts the body and mind. Under such circumstances, one can neither live nor die.

I heard two similar stories. A old man was unconscious after walk out from a noodle soup restaurant. He was sent to the hospital and doctor diagnosed he had brain stroke. But he did not accept the fact, he only rebuke there was excess Borax in the fish ball that caused food poison.Another story, it was about another old man who walk pass a Chinese Cemetery. Out of sudden, he felt dizzy, and then fell into coma. When he was hospitalized, half of his body and face was paralyzed. This old man could not believe he had a stroke, he was possessed by the ghosts from the Cemetery.  

Many stroke patients say, this is their first time hit by stroke. In fact, doctors should know it wasn't the first time. The reason is simple -- no one is willing to accept the reality!

There are signs before Stroke happen, but most people do not pay attention. For example: headache, dizziness, nausea, aphasia, blindness, loss of memory,  impaired concentration , limb numbness, finger numbness, head shaking, muscle agitation, mouth twitching, eyelid beating, easily fall down during walking.

Acupuncture or Chinese medicine can reduce the risk of stroke. Prevention is more important than treatment! The so-called: If you don't understand stroke, you will hit by stroke! If you want to prevent it, you must have a certain understanding of your health.

Our Chinese doctor believes that internal injuries, excessive labor, unhealthy diet, emotional unstable can induce internal winds (Chinese medicine term : the unstable of energy in body) , plus Qi deficiency or Yang deficiency for longer period, stimulation of six excesses from environment  (namely: excessive wind, cold, heat, damp, dryness & fire) causing stroke.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :  

#Stroke #Ischemic #Hemorrhagic #Cerebrovascularaccident #CVA #Acupuncture #Chinesemedicine 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

[中风那些故事 - Part1]


很多人说这是他第1次中风, 其实医生都知道这已经是第N次了,但是病人却—直坚决认为这是第1次。道理很简单 -- 从来没有人愿意接受现实!

中风发病之前都有先兆,只是大部分的人没有留意罢了。比如 : 头痛、头晕、恶心、失语、失明、忆力减退、注意力不集中、肢麻、指麻、头摇、肌肉眶动、口角撮动、眼皮跳动、行走易跌绊等。
如果在中风之前,使用针灸或中药治疗就能降低中风风险。可见预防比治疗更重要! 所谓: 不懂中风,就会得中风! 若想做到预防就必须对自己的身体和疾病有一定的了解。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

Monday, May 27, 2019


现在的孩子怎么了? 坐没有坐相, 就不用只一他们也有站相。 坐的歪歪斜斜的,一站起来颈椎、肩膀、骨盘等多个地方都不平衡。

再过一些日子,就会严重影响发育, 全身骨头歪掉,年纪轻轻就全身僵硬、酸痛、麻痹、疼痛, 搞到整个老头子那样。

家长现在不教导正确的姿势, 长大了就很难改掉。 到时候就要花很多钱去看医生。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#中医骨伤科 #整骨 #颈肩腰腿痛 #膝关节退化 #筋骨酸痛 #脊椎病


现在的孩子怎么了? 坐没有坐相, 就不用只一他们也有站相。 坐的歪歪斜斜的,一站起来颈椎、肩膀、骨盘等多个地方都不平衡。

再过一些日子,就会严重影响发育, 全身骨头歪掉,年纪轻轻就全身僵硬、酸痛、麻痹、疼痛, 搞到整个老头子那样。

家长现在不教导正确的姿势, 长大了就很难改掉。 到时候就要花很多钱去看医生。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#中医骨伤科 #整骨 #颈肩腰腿痛 #膝关节退化 #筋骨酸痛 #脊椎病

Thursday, May 23, 2019


自杀身亡的人认为生命中少了很重要的东西,从而得出一个重大的结论:不值得再活下去。除了生活不稳定,成就感太低也让这些人生感焦虑 - 实际的成就与向往的目标差距太远,让他们相信一切都没有了希望。我们发现灾难性思考容易导致各种因素的暴力死亡,这种无助感也很类似。   

人类的情绪是无形的,但是负面情绪与灾难性思考一旦结合是很要命的! 情绪与思想,这两者本是人类的动力。 其实我临床上有很多得了严重皮肤病的病人, 他治疗的差不多,就消失不来了。 因为他知道他的病好像很快就痊愈了, 他突然就有一种想法:我不配得到这个健康的身体。 

其实,人的弱点与堕性 - 会往毁灭移动的死亡意愿!这个谈的有点比较深奥吧?我们发现癌症病人有这种情况。 他觉得生无可恋, 死能解决所有的痛苦与问题。 所以这种灾难性思考是一种无形的病,负面情绪也是一种无形的毒, 是最难治的!他的病情会反复发作, 拖长又拖短, 甚至也不会和医生配合。

说得简单一点, 就是我们人生有很多挫折随着岁月累积下来, 很多负面的情绪没有办法抒发出来, 然后把情绪压抑下来。这些人觉得这个人生一点快乐都没有, 没有什么理由让他快点痊愈,让他继续活在这个世界上。 最后他会决定过着自我毁灭的生活方式,慢慢就会去自杀、就会去得忧郁症、癌症。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
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#中医 #癌症 #忧郁症 #自杀 #情绪 #思想

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Uncured disease and self-destruction

The person who committed suicide believes that something important is missing in life, and thus draws a major conclusion: it is not worth living anymore. In addition to the instability of life, the sense of accomplishment is too low  are making these people feel very anxious - the actual achievement is too far from the goal, let them believe that everything has no hope. We find that catastrophic thinking is prone to violent deaths of various factors, and this sense of helplessness is similar.

Human emotions are intangible, but the combination of negative emotions and catastrophic thinking is a disaster! Emotions and thoughts, are the motivations to move human being forward. In fact, I have some patients with severe skin diseases did not turn up even they are at the last stage of recovery. Why this happen? Because they knew that their illness seemed to heal soon, they suddenly had an idea of they don't deserve this healthy body.  

In fact, people's weaknesses and fall - will destroy the willingness to move! This statement is a bit more esoteric? We have found this in cancer patients. When they feels that there is no love, and death would be the only solution to end all the pains and problems. So this catastrophic thinking can consider as an invisible disease, and negative emotions are also an invisible poison, which is the most difficult to cure by any doctors! Their sicknesses will be repeated, prolonged and not easy to recover, because they don't want to cooperate with doctor.  

To put it simply, there are many setbacks in our lives through years of accumulation, many negative emotions have not been able to burst out, and then the suppression of emotions make these people feel that there is no happiness in this life. There is no reason for them to heal quickly and no hope to continue to live in this world. In the end, he will decide to live a self-destructive lifestyle, some of them will gradually suffer from depression, cancer and they will slowly commit suicide.  

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :   

#Suicide #depression #Cancer #emotion # catastrophic #Chinesemedicine #Chinese herbs

Thursday, May 16, 2019



黑斑的成因与治疗显然比我们想象中的更加的复杂, 不过中医皮肤科却提供了许多有效的治疗手段, 欢迎大家询问谦和堂 - 客制化的纯中药产品。  

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
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#中医美容 #中药 #黑斑 #黄褐斑 #雀斑

Why Melasma & Freckles can not 100% cured (Lesson 3)

May be you have been using a lot of skin care products, but didn't see any improvement, your dark spots still look terrible and become worst.

We are a Chinese medicine Dermatology center in Malaysia that help people from every areas of the world to treat skin pigmentation issue with 100% Chinese herbs.

Obviously the formation of dark spot is very complex and the treatments are very difficult,  because every one different from each other. However, Chinese herbs provide us more solutions to treat dark spots effectively.

If you like this video, please give us a LIKE, subscribe our Channel and visit our website at

Thank you!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

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Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail : 

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Darkspot #Melasma #Freckle #Skinpigmentation

Friday, May 10, 2019

Ring Worm at your hotel bed

This is a ring worm infection case from a patient who went for a holiday. He stayed in a top ranking hotel and also enjoyed a massage in a SPA center. Obviously, the hotel's bed sheet and blanket were not clean. We also suspected the SPA center was not doing a proper infection control. Judging for the area around the waist was infected by Ring Worm, it seem like there was a fungal infection around the lower body of a previous guest, which he or she should be lying naked, therefore the massage bed, bed sheets and blanket were polluted.

Not long ago, there was a new reported in China, a family of 6, stayed in a 5 star luxury suite, all of them were infected by genital warts (a sexually transmitted disease), including a 3-year-old son! I hope that those who are engaged in the hotel industry and SPA center or beauty salons should pay attention to this matter..

The testimonial shown the result of treating Ring worm by our Chinese herbs powder mix with water and apply to the infected area, 2 to 3 times per day. It was cured in a week!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail : 

#Hotel #SPA #Massage #Chineseherbs #Chinesemedicine #Ringworm #tinea #Fungalinfection #Genitalwarts

Monday, April 29, 2019

About Our Osteopathy & Pain Control Treatment on 25April to 26April 2019

I was so happy to invite both TCM Osteopathy Dr. Max Soo and Max Ho to Homodesty Consultancy. Their visit brought a new hope to all our patients in Kota Kinabalu. During two days of treatment, I witnessed the power of traditional Chinese medicine orthopedics! The diagnosis of Dr. Max Soo and Max Ho have a set of professional procedures. The technique of osteopathy was the best that I have ever seen. Without decades of clinical practice, it is impossible to achieve such a realm. Like several patients came that day, their whole bodies were full of terrible injuries from the past and present. Those who don't know them well, might think they were martial arts actors or substitute actor ( in fights of theatrical stunts)

In fact, our bone and muscles are being for long years out of repairs. Due to different injuries and damages, problems started between the joints, that make the normal anatomy structure of bone has slight staggered which is still not reflected on the X-ray. If the situation is more serious, uneven or semi-dislocation of the suture, can be displayed on the X-ray film. Sometimes, soft tissue of the tendon, such as tendon slippage or anatomical position changes, not only affecting the function of the movement of body , but also affect the function of the internal organs, causing diseases.

If I didn't personally saw Dr. Max Soo and Max Ho "touching the bones and muscles" of my patients, I won't believe they could tell the old wounds, new injuries, and even accurately explained the root of the pain which was hidden somewhere that no doctors knew it. In my opinion, they were the superior Chinese medicine Osteopathy Doctor. For ordinary numbness and pain condition, they will manually adjust the joint, and also myofascial release and other physical manipulation of muscle tissue and bones.

In Homodesty Consultancy, our concept of healing is to use natural methods. Dr. Max Soo and Max Ho's method of fixing scoliosis are very simple, they not only treat the symptoms but also the root cause. 

Definitely, I was very proud of both of their contribution for the past 2 days. As a Chinese medicine physician who also specialized in skin pigmentation treatment, I understand dark spots are related to the insomnia or lack of resting time. However, we have more and more evidences to prove that high pillow and soft mattress might disturb our body to sleep well in a completely resting condition. Examples, neck tension from high pillow often make the Qi and blood circulate badly to the head and face, the lack of oxygenated blood and retain of metabolic waste products in the skin will stimulate the Melanin to produce more and more.

All I must said, I've learned a lot from them in the past 2 days. Dr. Max Soo and Max Ho are the pioneer in osteopathy. They work very hard, almost 7 days a week without a resting day. Everyday, they treat more than 60 patients and of course they collect a lot of treatment experiences from their patients. This is the secret of the winners! Such an effort may be very boring and tedious for some people. However, if people are curious about the world, they will find ways to continue learning, improving themselves and helping people, that is the meaning and value of life!

* Alexander Ho will be handling normal pain management program by acupuncture and customized herbal supplement.

*Dr. Max Soo will visit Kota Kinabalu 3 to 4 times a year. He will diagnose, provide osteopathy services for serious cases.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Osteopathy #Orthopedics #Traumatology #Pain