Friday, July 30, 2021



坊间有很多所谓治疗新冠肺炎的中药配方,其中包括连花清瘟胶囊。 无论你打算是用哪一款来进行自我治疗,都要很小心处理, 我们最担心的就是病情逆转,病毒反扑的危险性。疫情期间,一切还是小心一点,不要胡乱服药才是明智的防疫行动。


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#中医中药 #谦和堂 #中医皮肤科 #新冠肺炎 #新冠病毒 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

小何中医特集 -- 西藏山里山外谈笑间(第四集)



* 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Lesson 45 : Herbal sachet for anti-pandermic, Chinese herbs and acupuncture for recovery of Covid-19

In this video, I am going to share with all of you, the usage of Chinese medicine aromatherapy knowledge in creating herbal sachet for anti-pandemic. In the second session, I will recommend the Chinese herbal soup and acupuncture points for promoting the rapid recovery of Covid-19. 
If you need any personalized Chinese medicine supplements for improving health during the pandemic period. Please don't feel hesitate to contact me. Stay safe, stay healthy and take care.

Company address :
Ho Modesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Covid19 #Coronavirus #Epidemic #Pandemic

Monday, July 12, 2021

吃了谦和堂中药保健品,大量黑色头发长出来了!New black hairs grow back after intake of Chinese Herbs


New black hairs grow back after intake of Homodesty's Chinese medicine supplement 

老人家吃了一段时间的中药,会出现“ 还老返童”的现象, 几乎10个老人里面,有7、8个都会长出乌黑色的头发。

7 or 8 out f 10 old people who had been taken my herbal supplement for sometimes will notice there are some black hairs growing back.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#中医中药 #谦和堂 #白发 #中医皮肤科 #Homodesty #greyhair #Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #aging

Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂 Rm 50 / 瓶 -- 限时抢购 :7月31日之前下单

Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂 Rm 50 / 瓶 -- 限时抢购 :7月31日之前下单

大家是不是很久没有去日本旅行了? 今天为大家带来两款 Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂,让大家

1. 绿茶香气
2. 樱花香气
Promotion price Rm 50/瓶

这两款 Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂的味道不会让人嗅了很头晕, 它和一般的香水不一样的是能够振奋精神,放松心情,舒解压力,不只是用在身上,也能够用在周围的物件和房间,同时还能够去除异味。 只需要轻轻的喷两下,整个房间的氛围都不一样了!用过就知道Elizabeth Arden 香水喷剂的味道是多么地梦幻!

使用方法很简单,可以喷在冷气、枕头、床单、沙发及房间任何一个角落。 也可以在洗澡之后,喷在身体及头发上。


存货有限,全马发货, 赶快找我下单,以免向隅!

Retail price 约 Rm 89 - 130
谦和堂 Promotion price Rm 50/瓶


Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #FMCO #elizabetharden#香水

Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist (Promotion until 31July 2021) Rm 50

Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist (Promotion until 31July 2021) Rm 50

Staying at home for a long time? Feeling bore and stress recently? Thinking of travel to overseas? How about imaging the amazingand secretive aroma and scents from Japan? Let me introduce you Elizabeth Arden's fine fragrance mist to enlighten your FMCO life at home.

2 types of fine fragrance mist to choose :
1. Green tea
2. Cherry blossom

Each bottle 236ml, Cosider very big portion.
Promotion price Rm 50/bottle (discounted at least 40 to 50 %)

The aroma of Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist will not make people feel dizzy. Our fragrance mist can invigorate, relax mood, and relieve stress. They can be sprayed not only on body, but also works as a natural air freshener. Once you have used it, you will know how dreamy the scent of Elizabeth Arden fine fragrance mist is! The method of application is very simple. It can be sprayed to pillows, bed sheets, sofa and any corner of the room. It can also be sprayed on the body and hair after bathing.

This is a rare opportunity for me to sell frangrace mist here. It is because I have a friend who sponsored this promotional event just for my herbal center's customers.

The products are directly imported from the original factory,  and the good news is we make it half the price cheaper than the retail price of the flagship store.

Retail price Rm 89 - 130
Homodesty Promotion price Rm 50/bottle

Limited stock, first come first served, private message me to get a bottle as soon as possible, thank you!

Express delivery within Malaysia.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #FMCO #elizabetharden #Fragrance

天气病 - 酸麻,僵硬不适,疼痛 Pain that related to weather

天气病 - 酸麻,僵硬不适,疼痛  Pain that related to weather 

天气转成又阴又湿,大雨下个不停时, 很多人就会开始觉得颈项肩膀和腰骨酸麻僵硬不适,甚至疼痛。日本医学专家研究,把这种现象称为“天气病”,中医从古至今,观察了这个现象数千年,我们把它叫做“风湿痹病”。特别是骨头曾经受伤的中年人,或没有好好治疗,留下手尾的老人,只要有空针灸一下,一周运动三次,多晒太阳吸收阳气,吃中药调理三四个月就会全身筋脉舒畅,疼痛感没有了!

When the weather turns cloudy and humid, or when heavy rain comes, many people will start to feel muscle stiffness , numbness, discomfort, and even pain in the neck, shoulders and back bones. 

Japanese medical experts have researched and called this phenomenon "weather disease". Traditional Chinese medicine has observed this phenomenon for thousands of years. We call it "Wind & Humid Bi Syndromes".  Bi syndrome (numbness) is caused by pathogenic Wind, Cold, Dampness or Heat leading to obstructions of the meridians and sluggish circulation of qi and Blood.

Especially the middle-aged people who have suffered bone injuries, or the elderly who didn't get proper treatment, leaving long hand and tail (literlization), the discomfort and pain are very difficult to describe. However, if they have time for acupuncture and moxibustion, exercise three times a week, get more exposure to the sun to absorb Yang energy , and take Chinese medicine supplement for a program of 3 to 4 months, they will feel the pain gradually dissappear and feel energetic again.

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan,
88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :
Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #Backpain #Rheumatism #CervicalSpondylosis #FrozenShoulder #numbness #RheumaticDisorder

#谦和堂 #风湿病 #腰酸背痛 #颈椎病 #手脚麻痹 #中医中药 

小何中医特集 -- 西藏食物与自制糌粑(第三集)

小何中医特集 -- 西藏食物与自制糌粑(第三集)

刚刚抵达拉萨就有好几位团友马上出现高原反应,休息了两天大家的元气才缓了过来,开始品尝西藏美食。 这个视频将会带大家认识一下西藏糌粑的自制过程。

青稞:据《本草拾遗遗》 》记载:青稞,下气宽中、壮精益力、除湿发汗、止泻。藏医典籍《晶珠本草》更把青稞作为一种重要药物,用于治疗多种疾病。 人参果:又名蕨麻,藏语名“戳马”谓之“吉祥食物”,意为长生不老之果。蕨麻性平味甘,具有健脾益胃、生津止渴、收敛止血、益气补血等功效,适用于腹泻、脾虚、病后贫血、痔疮出血、营养不良、脾肾阳虚等病症。 我是沙巴的谦和堂小何中医,提供网上问诊、客制化中药保健品,精准调配中药以符合各别体质,吃了不寒不热不上火。谦和堂诊所提供改善皮肤问题、美白祛斑护的中药护肤品,除外,还有针对体弱多病、疲劳乏力等大病初愈问题进行调理,欢迎大家随时联络我,,谢谢支持!   * 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏美食 #中国旅行 #糌粑

小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之雪域天路 (第二集)

 小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之雪域天路 (第二集)

在列车上遇到一个很有趣的小哥, 有一位马来西亚的大哥竟然把他称为“师父”, 其实这位小哥根本都不是开火车的,好不好?看回西藏旅行这些素材, 逐渐觉得自己好喜欢拍人物的特写,比如说拍一个人的一天,拍人与人之间的互动,重新再听一遍当时的对白,也会让自己陷入回忆当中,回味好几遍也不会腻哦! 第2集主要是在列车上听小哥讲解雪域天路建造的一段历史和“业副”。 我是沙巴的谦和堂小何中医, 是个喜欢到处趴趴走,探索世界的中医师。目前提供网上问诊、客制化中药保健品,精准调配中药以符合各别体质,吃了不寒不热不上火。 谦和堂诊所提供改善皮肤问题、美白祛斑护的中药护肤品,除外,还有针对体弱多病、疲劳乏力等大病初愈问题进行调理,欢迎大家随时联络我,,谢谢支持! Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容 #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行 #青藏列车

小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之青藏列车初体验 (第一集)

  小何中医特集 -- 西藏之旅之青藏列车初体验 (第一集)

从西藏回来后一直都很想把沿途拍摄的影片剪辑, 现在终于有时间好好地回忆起西藏旅行所遇到的人与事。 让我从头说起,我们是从成都坐火车上拉萨的, 这样的旅程安排有很多好处,不但可以慢慢地适应高原反应, 而且还能体验那种坐火车,慢慢进入西藏的兴奋心情!在青藏列车里,大概要花一天一夜的时间, 虽然在狭窄的火车厢里呆着,心里还是很期待,希望马上就到达西藏。虽然很多人告诉我们,这个距离天堂最靠近的圣地会让我们增添许多不确定性和惊喜, 不过我们还是勇敢接受挑战。没想到在列车里竟然发生了一件可怕的事...... ,影片有记录到哦~ 这次的旅行人数不多,大家都是年龄相符的中年人,12天相处下来都相当融洽,至今我们还成为很好的朋友呢! 希望你们会喜欢这个影片!谢谢大家的支持,我是你们的小何中医! * 影片中个子娇小玲珑的女生叫“静慧”,她就是我们的领队,自第一次到西藏旅游,她就爱上了西藏这片净土。于是,她毅然离开职场,走进拉萨大学当学生,学习两年的藏语,只为了更贴近心中的西藏。自藏大毕业后,她开始带领有缘人继续游走于雪域高原。 Company address : Homodesty Consultancy Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square, Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Google map : Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814 E-mail : #中医美容  #中医皮肤科 #谦和堂 #西藏 #中国旅行 #青藏列车

Psoriasis treatment by our Chinese medicine supplement 短短三个星期里稳定了牛皮癣

This is a testimonial showed how I improve terrible Psoriasis condition in just 3 weeks. Chinese herbs really help to repair damaged skin, improve dryness, itchiness, red patches, dropping scales etc. With our customer's cooperation, patient and confidence, I will definitely help them to get the best result.

Homodesty Consultancy is a herbal center that specialised in treating chronic and acute skin diseases by 100% Chinese medicine. We ship our customised herbal products all over the world. Please feel free to contact us, thank you.

最糟糕的情况已经过去了,小何中医在短短三个星期里稳定了皮肤干燥、发炎发红、脱皮与瘙痒问题。中药不但改善皮肤状况有很好的效果,而且完全没有副作用。十分感谢病人对中医信赖,能帮到你是小何中医的福气 😊😁👍 谦和堂是一间专门处理棘手皮肤病的中医中心。现在提供网上咨询服务,客制化中药保健品邮寄世界各地,欢迎订购,谢谢!

Company address :
Homodesty Consultancy
Level 5, Aeropod Commercial Square,
Jalan Aeropod Off Jalan Kepayan, 88200 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

Google map :

Contact number / WhatsApp / LINE : 012-4883814
Youtube channel : Alex Ho
Website :
E-mail :

#Chinesemedicine #Chineseherbs #Homodesty #skinallergy #SensitiveSkin #skindiseases #dermatology #Psoriasis #ezcema #中医 #中药 #皮肤病 #瘙痒 #脱皮 #谦和堂 #牛皮癣 #银屑病